Root Chakra - Grounding

When we seek to find balance in the physical practice, much of our ability to maintain the posture comes from our foundation - how stable the connection is between our body and the Earth.

Balance positions also require a strong center, and an understanding of how to stabilize yourself from your center, as the rest of the body moves away from it.

Balance positions whether they be standing, or on your arms, or upside down require immense focus and presence - if your mind is elsewhere it becomes increasingly difficult to bring the body into alignment.

As we explore the energy of the root chakra we start to uncover the truth of who we are. We can ask ourselves questions to seek deeper understanding around what we truly value and the aspects of self that make us feel stable and secure within ourselves.

As we begin to make the unconscious conscious, we learn to recognize what actions, behaviors, and thoughts are not truly in alignment with our center and our deepest sense of self. The self we define, not that which is dictated to us or reinforced by the outside world.

An identity that is built on validation from the external is a house of cards. We often feel out of balance in our root chakra when we do not feel a strong sense of home within ourselves.

To explore this energy space, practice answering the following prompt - what makes you feel the most grounded and at home within yourself?


Root Chakra - Foundations


Meditation Guide