Third Eye Chakra - Intuition and Alchemy

When I was about 20 years old I went to see a therapist and she told me “you have really strong intuition but you seem to rarely listen to it”.

At that point in my life her words held little understanding for me, yet they resonated deeply for reasons I had yet to uncover.

I would often hear her voice repeating that statement to me throughout the years that followed.

It took me some time to realize that I created a lot of tension and discomfort in my life by living in constant resistance and conflict with my inner truth.

I would ignore that gut feeling, or that little voice that was screaming at me to turn back or not do something, until finally after a series of unfortunate occurrences, it was like I suddenly came online and decided to listen to myself.

The ego seeks gratification and validation outside of itself constantly- and for many of us we live from this place which often leads us astray.

Getting in touch with our inner wisdom and guidance system requires that we silence all of the noise that we’ve grown accustomed to.

It’s equal parts tuning in and letting go - it’s a practice of learning to listen as well as to trust yourself.

A person who understands how to work with their intuition becomes the alchemist - a conscious creator who understands how to balance and utilize their energy effectively, and to essentially create magic in their lives.

Through practices like daily meditation we teach ourselves to set aside the noise of the ego, to tap in to our deeper wisdom, and to observe our inner guidance.

Developing your intuition is just like practicing any skill, and grows stronger and builds progress over time.

Movement practices like yoga teach us to use our bodies intuitively, and moving to music - one of my absolute favorite things - can help teach us to surrender control, and allow ourselves to let go and flow with the rhythm of life.

To explore this energy, sit in meditation for at least 5 minutes and observe your thoughts. Write down the most prominent and notice, do they seem to come from your ego and attached to something outside of yourself?


Crown Chakra - Consciousness


Throat Chakra - Self Expression